How to Avoid Email Filters

Email Filters

The volume of emails I receive never fails to increase. Promotional emails have a specific folder in my mailbox. To stay on top of trends, check up on the competitors of our clients and to find email inspiration I often sign-up for quite a few email newsletters. If I didn’t filter these promotions into folders, I’d be stuck beneath a pile of sales emails in my inbox. Nobody wants to wade through what most people like to call spam.

Lately, I’ve been noticing a few of those emails have made their way into my main inbox. Some of the smart email marketers have realized that email filters are decreasing the facetime their promotions are receiving.

Many email clients such as Outlook and Gmail allow you to create folders within your email account to filter emails based on certain credentials.

In Gmail you can create a filter using the credentials shown in the photo below.

Gmail email filteringGmail Filter Options

You even have the option to skip the inbox, mark it as read and move it to a folder where it will never be seen again (or until you need to save a little on your shopping trip).

The From Address

The easiest way to create filters for promotional emails is to utilize the “from” email address. Email marketers have picked up on this little trick it seems. Changing the from email address will likely improve deliverability, allowing you to bypass email client’s pesky filter systems.

Sure, your customers can setup the filter again if they choose, but they’ll likely notice your email staring them in the face in their inbox. Not where they expected it to be.

Updating this address periodically can allow you to reach old customers again.

Looking to improve your email program? SLD offers email marketing & design.

Sarah Shuda
Sarah Shuda
Designer. Mom. Wife. Loves Gilmore Girls, healthy living, and long walks in the country.

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