How To Grow Your Email List Offline

Use a Tablet

Utilize a tablet to encourage your customers to sign up for your email newsletter. Many email providers offer tablet apps that allow you to work offline to sign up new subscribers. The best part about this method is that you don’t have to manually import these subscribers to your list like some other offline methods.

Use Paper

Pen and paper can be even more effective. Leave a clipboard with a sign up list on your checkout table.

During Checkout

You’ve probably been asked at a retail checkout yourself numerous times for your email, phone number, or zip code. Many shoppers expect it and some will be irritated. The best way to ask is to focus on what they will receive from you if they do share their email.

Tip: Spelling can often be a challenge so make sure to ask for them to spell it out

This can be an effective way to gain sign ups.

If you own a restaurant, another great place to ask is in your check holder book, along with the bill. Have a small sign up form designed and include it with the check. Again, make sure to include some reasons why they should provide their email.

Drawings & Giveaways

In-store drawings are a great way to promote your email newsletter. In exchange for the chance to win something, require them to also be signed up for your newsletter.

The downside to this is they may not necessarily want to receive your newsletter as much as someone who signs up specifically for it and it alone.

Asking for business cards is a way to make it quick and easy for in-store customers to enter.

Inside Packages

Do you ship physical goods to your customers? Include a small slip of paper along with your product encouraging them to sign up for your newsletter. Include the URL where they can go to sign up.

This is one of the most missed opportunities by retailers. You’ve already gotten your customer’s business. If they are happy with their purchase, when would be a better time to ask for their email?


You don’t need to be online to grow your email list. Ask for signups using a tablet, a clipboard with a signup form, during checkout, through a giveaway and even inside your customer’s package. 

Consider trying a combination of offline and online methods for the best chance at increasing signups.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Happy emailing!

Sarah Shuda
Sarah Shuda
Designer. Mom. Wife. Loves Gilmore Girls, healthy living, and long walks in the country.

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