SLD Interview with Tyler Osegard

Get to know our newest team member & designer, Tyler Osegard.


Q: How and why is design important to you?

Design is important to me because it provides a means to communicate simply.  It is very satisfying when people can experience something that I have created and gain something from it, whether it is information, ideas, or just entertainment. Design also gives me the opportunity to be curious and to learn things about topics I may never have understood or looked into. If I am working on a project for an industry I have never studied, it is to my advantage to learn about that industry so that my design can be as accurate to the subject as possible. You can imagine how fulfilling this would be for a naturally curious person.

Q: What are your design specialties?

My specialty is definitely logo design. The experience I have had designing logos has helped me develop a systematic approach which usually produces a variety of creative and clever concepts. Since I have polished my logo design work I have been able to grow in other areas of design, such as web and print.

Q: You claim to be a unpasteurized health nut… can you tell us more about that?

Long story, but throughout my college career I struggled with finding a good balance in my lifestyle. When I felt I needed a larger change I talked to my aunt about dabbling in her diet, which she had been utilizing for about 5 years at that point. It is called the Primal Diet, and literally everything you eat is uncooked and raw. I could feel the difference between the raw foods I was trying and the food I was used to eating, which pushed me to eventually follow the diet completely. A college student at the time, I had a bit of an adapted diet since I couldn’t afford everything all the time and I would give in to some cravings of normal food. I did this for 2 years but have moved to a mainly normal diet since then. I still drink unpasteurized milk and look forward to having enough time and money to follow the raw diet again.

Q: What’s your all-time favorite movie?

I’m going to have to opt-out of this question since I am a movie addict and prefer to always watch a new movie over one I have seen before. I can say that ‘Into the Wild’ is a movie that I really respect since it nudged me reconsider my major in college (when I was studying Electrical Engineering).

Q: If you were a sesame street character which one would you be and why?

KermitizedI literally had to research this question because I can’t remember much about Sesame Street and I’m not even sure I was an avid watcher. Apparently Kermit the Frog was always calm and collected even in times of insanity and I think I can relate to that.

Yes. That’s how creepy I’d look if I morphed into Kermit… 

Q: What’s your biggest pet peeve?

SPELING ERRORS. I pretty much cringe at spelling errors, especially in print because it proves you had the chance to double check your spelling before printing but didn’t take it.

Q: Who are some of the designers you respect and admire?

I feel I am limited by the designers whose work I have been able to experience so far, so the list will inevitably change and grow, but it is as follows: Paula Scher, Joel Templin (a UW-Stout graduate), Nicole Meyer (for her project: and Frank Lloyd Wright.

Q: What do you like most about being a part of SLD?

I love being able to use my strengths (logo design) and continue to work on building my other skill sets. Sarah has also curated some great clients to work with and that allows for some cool work!

Q: If you could give your clients one tip to successful design, what would it be?

Be open to it! Designers love to make great stuff and there is usually a reason we design the way we do. If something seems off in your project, don’t be afraid to ask about it, we can usually explain ourselves. Our goal is to create something that meets your goals, as well as succeeds in a design standpoint.

Sarah Shuda
Sarah Shuda
Designer. Mom. Wife. Loves Gilmore Girls, healthy living, and long walks in the country.

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