Spend Your Time Wisely: Twitter Restaurant Marketing

With more and more online avenues to spend your precious marketing time, how do you make the most of your time?

Restaurants, breweries and other foodie hot spots have taken advantage of the visual enhancements Twitter has to offer. I’d like to share a few examples of tweets that have gotten some attention and how you can improve your reach on Twitter.

Twitter Restaurant Marketing Examples

Use Photos as Much as Possible

Tweets with photos stand out among the millions of tweets send every day on Twitter. We’re talking close to 60 million tweets! Here are a few great examples…

Share artwork and promotions for upcoming events you may be having.

Don’t just talk about your delicious food, show it!

Respond & Interact

Be positive and thankful when others write or mention you, even if it’s negative! Here are a few tweets that do just that…

Turn a negative tweeter into a new customer.

Don’t be boastful, be modest and say thanks.

Make your followers heard.

Feel Good Tweets

What are you doing to involve the community? Anything you’re proud of contributing to that you could share to bring a positive light to your business? Here is an example of a do-gooder tweet…

Everyday Opportunities

Cleaning your tap lines? Upgrading your decor or condiments? Take advantage of tasks you may do regularly or every so often and give your followers more insights into how you do business. Here are some stellar examples…

What types of tweets have you found work best for you?

Sarah Shuda
Sarah Shuda
Designer. Mom. Wife. Loves Gilmore Girls, healthy living, and long walks in the country.

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